The College House System is an important aspect of Sacred Heart College life. Our students have several opportunities throughout the year to earn points for their House through the Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Sporting aspects of our College. The Concordia Sancta is awarded to the winning House during the Annual Awards Night at the end of the year.

      • Barlow House
      • barlow finalThe origins of Barlow House lie with two biological sisters - Sr Shelley Barlow and Sr Madeleine Barlow, who have had a long-standing relationship with the College. Barlow House represents the philosophy and spirit of the work that the RNDM Sisters, in particular Srs Shelley and Madeleine, believe in and carry out on a day-to-day basis.


        The light blue colour represents the connection to the ocean and the location of Sacred Heart College, Sorrento.


        The motto of Barlow House is SORORES ET FRATERNES UNUM - Sisters and Brothers as One.


        The Barlow crest is made up of four elements surrounding the RNDM Cross. The waves symbolise the connection to the ocean at Sorrento, the pelican symbolises the devotion and self-sacrificing nature of the Barlow Sisters and the flame represents their light and hope. Barlow House has taken the palm leaves from the College crest to show victory.


        House Charity: Passages Youth Engagement Hub, a drop-in centre for the homeless.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • Carden House
      • Cardan finalCarden House is named in honour of Fr Robert Carden OFM. Father Bob was Chaplain at Sacred Heart College for 21 years (1990 - 2011). He was also the first male student enrolled at Sacred Heart Girls' College Oakleigh, our sister school in Victoria, at the age of seven. The colour purple represents sovereignty and justice.


        The motto of Carden House is FIDEI ET AMORIS - Faith and Love.


        The crest shows the knight of the soul guiding the body and the horse is representative of a readiness for duty. Carden has adopted the crown from the Sacred Heart College crest as a reminder of the rewards to be gained by doing good, for the sake of goodness itself.


        House Charity: Grace Café, a drop-in Café in Joondalup set up by Grace Anglican Church and Sacred Heart College following a meeting at the Joondalup-Wanneroo Ending Homelessness Group.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • Hannan House
      • Hannnan FinalHannan House is named after the founding Principal of Sacred Heart College Sorrento, Sr Lois Hannan. Sr Lois’ calling lay in working with Aboriginal communities, in particular with women and children, and she had a long association with Catholic Aboriginal Ministry. In 1986, Sr Lois opened the first day shelter for Aboriginal women in Perth, providing a safe haven for women and children. She had great empathy for the marginalised and oppressed and was not afraid to speak up on their behalf.


        Hannan House wears the colour orange to illustrate Sr Lois’ connection with the Aboriginal people. Orange is used in many Aboriginal artworks symbolising a connection with the land. Orange also links to her devotion to light.


        The Hannan House motto is SEQUITUR LUX VESTRA, which translates to Follow Your Light.


        The Hannan crest is made up of four elements surrounding the RNDM cross. The open book represents Sr Lois as an educator: she taught English and Religion and she was fluent in German. She also loved to write and was a keen poet. The V and the K are taken from the Sacred Heart College crest and stand for Virtue and Knowledge. Her work with Aboriginal communities, in particularly the women’s shelter she set up, is represented by the Aboriginal symbols for women and children. The crown from the Sacred Heart Crest depicts the reminder of the rewards to be gained by doing good for the sake of goodness itself. The dove is a symbol of two Saints Sr Lois had a strong connection with; St Augustine of Hippo and St Thomas Aquinas. Sr Lois took her final vows on the feast day of St Augustine, who is a special saint in the RNDM Order, and she took the religious name Sr Mary Aquinas.


        House Charity: Ruah House, a safe haven for women and children.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • Kimberley House
      • Kimberley finalThe name of Kimberley House is taken from the region in the far northwest of our state. The Kimberley is one of the most picturesque and remote parts of Australia. The name serves to recognise the courage, commitment and enduring spirit shown by the RNDM Sisters to provide education and Christian values in several remote Kimberley communities between the 1960s and 1990s.


        The red represents the colour of blood spilt from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the blood coloured earth at Wanalirri (a remote region of the Kimberley).


        The motto of Kimberley House is STO VALIDUS FULCIO ALIUS - Be Strong and Strengthen Others.


        The crest pictures a shell, which represents the coastal communities of the West Kimberley. The boab tree represents the inland communities of the East Kimberley and is respected by the Aboriginal people as the tree of life, mother and protector. The caring hands symbolise the essence of our motto and the spirit of reconciliation. Fire is a symbol for the Holy Spirit and Jesus as the light of the world. From the Sacred Heart College crest, Kimberley has adopted the palm leaves.



        House Charity: Kimberley Mission, a Sacred Heart initiative that sees a group of Year 11 students fundraise for communities the RNDM Sisters have assisted in the Kimberley before attending a special mission experience in the region.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      • Normandy House
      • Normandy finalEuphrasie Barbier founded the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM Sisters). She was born in January of 1829 in a French town called Caen, Normandy. Euphrasie Barbier and the RNDM Sisters are a major component of the Sacred Heart College community and history, so it seems only natural that a House is named in her honour.


        Normandy House wears the colour blue to represent the affiliation the sisters had with France.


        The Motto of Normandy House is FIDES VISUM ET FORTITUDO - Faith, Vision and Courage.


        The crest contains five elements; the RNDM cross is the symbol of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions and the palm or laurel branches are taken from the Sacred Heart College Crest to symbolise victory. The fleur-de-lis is the floral badge of France and the square-rigger ship is used to symbolise Euphrasie Barbier’s many voyages to foreign countries where she embarked on her missionary work. The symbol of community represents friendship and cooperation, which encompass the teachings of Euphrasie Barbier and the RNDM Sisters.



        House Charity: The Shopfront, a drop-in centre for the homeless in Bentley.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • O'Reilly House
      • OREILLY finalO’Reilly House is named after one of the five original Sisters who made the pilgrimage from Christchurch, New Zealand, to Highgate, Western Australia, in 1897. Her full name is Sr Mary St Irene (Maryanne O’Reilly). The Sisters’ mission was to establish a Catholic school in Perth in order to provide an education for students that includes faith development.


        O’Reilly House wears the colour green to illustrate their connection with Ireland.


        The O’Reilly House motto is PER ANGUSTA AD AUGUSTA - Through Difficulties to Greatness.


        The crest shows the symbolism of the RNDM Sisters and the clover refers to the Irish-Catholic link, represented by Sr O’Reilly. The crown from the Sacred Heart crest depicts the reminder of the rewards to be gained by doing good for the sake of goodness itself. The oak tree seedling is from the O’Reilly family crest and represents antiquity and strength and the two hands represent unity.



        House Charity: St Vincent de Paul, a Catholic organisation assisting people experiencing poverty and inequality. The organisation is best known for its clothing appeals.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • Thu Duc House
      • Thu Duc. finalaiSacred Heart College has a close relationship with the RNDM sisters in Vietnam. Thu Duc House was created to reflect this relationship. Thu Duc province is the location of the RNDM Sisters’ major chapter house in Vietnam.


        The colour yellow has been chosen based on the traditional Vietnamese flag.


        The Thu Duc House motto is FORTITUDO UNITAS PIETAS - Strength, Unity, Loyalty.


        The crest star symbol has been chosen based on the Vietnamese flag and to recognise our namesake’s origins, and the three red horizontal lines represent the three major provinces of Vietnam. The image of the tiger has been used because it is a metaphorical representation of strength and courage. The RNDM Cross is a shared common link between the College, the Houses and the Sisters. The palm leaves are an element used on both the Sacred Heart College and Thu Duc’s crests to symbolise their connection.



        House Charity: Vietnam Mission in support of the work of the RNDM Sisters.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Term 1) / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Terms 2-4)
      • Trinity House
      • Trinity FinalTrinity House has a close relationship with the RNDM Sisters. Euphrasie Barbier used the image of God as Trinity – three images of the nature and being of God – sent on continual mission ‐ longing for the wellbeing of all that is created, in Spirit of Love, bringing wholeness to all. RNDM Sisters are called to let themselves be disturbed by the inequalities and cruelties in our world and to do our best to change it and assist those who are oppressed and downtrodden to find a good life. In the Trinity there are no boundaries to love. This is the source of the Trinitarian Spirituality that runs through the RNDM life that, as partners, we are called to be part of.


        Trinity wears the colour green.


        The Trinity motto is EXTENSA IN MISSIONE which is translated to mean Extended Mission.


        The shape of the crest resembles the shape of a chalice, symbolising the outpour of Trinitarian Spirituality. The shield is broken into three sections representing the three elements of the Holy Trinity. The RNDM cross reminds us of our call to be partners and our link to the RNDM Sisters. The rays from behind the cross represent the energy of reaching out to the boarders in our call to mission. The Trinity Knot is a Christian symbol to represent the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: three distinct persons of one divine essence. It also depicts the interconnectedness we are called to as partners to the RNDM Sisters to engage in Mission. The shell is symbolic of the parable‐story of Augustine’s encounter with the child on the beach, who was an angel according to the legend, leaving Augustine alone with the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity to contemplate. It is the symbol Christians wore to show they were on a pilgrimage. The hand embracing the heart symbol highlights our partnership with the RNDM Sisters’ call to have a missionary heart. Euphrasie Barbier was always urging her Sisters to open their hearts to the gift of love within and to cultivate its outward flow. The palm or laurel branches are a symbol taken from the Sacred Heart College Crest; they symbolise victory.



        House Charity: Cancer Council, an organisation fundraising to help find a cure for cancer.
        House Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.