The College has a very active Parents and Friends Committee. The Committee organises a number of events throughout the year to enable parents to meet and socialise and raises funds to provide extra teaching aids and equipment, grounds development and other amenities. Each family is invited to make a voluntary financial contribution each year and to support special fundraising events.


Meetings are held at 6:00pm on the second Monday of each month in The Hywood Room (Staff Room), as indicated below and on the College Calendar. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend.


William Johns

John Williams

 Gumbleton Ellen

Ellen Gumbleton
Vice President

Gumbleton Ellen

Barry Rogers
P&F Representative to the
Parent Advisory Council

Tony Nunn

Winterton Helen

Helen Winterton

Mr Leo Di Gregorio

Mrs Sandra Manning
Deputy Principal - Community

Mrs Liza Baskovich
Parent Engagement Coordinator


"The P&F Committee is a great place to engage with fellow parents and the school leadership team to hear about student engagement and to also put forward initiatives to make the College an even greater environment for our kids. As President, I hope to bring new ideas and enthusiasm to the P&F and welcome any parents to come and join in the discussions at our monthly meetings." - John Williams, P&F President


"The P&F allows us to connect with what's happening at the school in a more personal way, and provides the ability to have some input and influence into building and sustaining a positive and memorable high school experience for our child. It also allows us to connect directly and personally with the schools' leaders." - Nathan Hunter, 2024 Vice President/P&F Representative to the College Advisory Council


Some of the many initiatives/projects the P&F have worked on recently include:

  • New water fountains for the students
  • Installation and design of the Memorial Garden
  • TV screens to display timetables in the Mary MacKillop Centre
  • A roof on the bike shed
  • Purchase of a drone for the Media Department
  • ... and much, much more


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